Friday, July 9, 2010

Checking out the locals

Jamaicans are often opposed to having their picture taken. The reason, as explained to me by our driver who's been hired for the week, is that Jamaicans feel you may publish the picture and profit from it. However, if you ask before taking the photo and offer a few dollars, they usually agree. All of the photos I took yesterday were taken from the window of a van moving at 50+ miles per hour. I set my camera to a fast shutter speed and came away with some amazing shots.

There are plenty of lessons to be learned here and I have embraced whatever opportunities come along. Yesterday, I was taught a Jamaican gospel tune that I later sang with the gentleman who sang it as a solo on Sunday for some visiting missionaries.

I have also learned few expressions in Patois, the local language, as I usually do when visiting any foreign country. Language is one of my passions.

I'm working on a movie in iMovie with all of the photos. So stayed tuned and visit me on Facebook for other posts and updates.

Everything is Irie, mon.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Is there such a thing as too much sun and endless Caribbean waves.

In the last two days, we've climbed Dunns River Falls and gone swimming with the dolphins. Today was aki, salt cod and breadfruit for breakfast and then pool time followed by an afternoon eating and playing at the beach.

Lightning storms at night and reggae all day long. There is no such thing as too much jerk chicken and the beach is flawless crystalline white sand with aqua marine water lapping at your chest for hours on end.

Evenings are filled with music and everything guaranteed to set one's mind free from commitments. Jamaica is truly about relaxation and rejuvenation.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

And now a message from my wife, Gwyn...

OK, so now I am blogging. I am amazed at the tranquility. Everyone went inside, I was at peace at last. The lights were on at the pool and I was smokin' my Matterhorn (the closest thing I had to Marlboro Menthol Lights). There is something to be said about high humidity--Ray is miserable in the humidity. How can I resurrect this vacation without spending another $3k?

She says she is Eve Maitland, and I think she is right.

Bye to hotels and bring on the villa.

Jamaica is under surge from clouds. I need more sunshine. But are the big fish ready for our angling skills? Stay tuned for Aaron James' first fishing trip.

Scott and Tiffany have joined us and it is awesome to share the journey with friends. Some might even say adult conversation.

How could pirates ever have existed around here and been drinking rum daily while raiding and pillaging? Jamaican rum is not a welcomed friend the next morning.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Too cool for school!

Everyone is laid back and on island time.

Lots of work and things to do in the islands.

Not really that many obligations every day but cleaning up the beach is always a priority.

Celebrating the opening day of lobster season in Jamaica.

What is the only way to make Jamaica even better? How about the opening day of lobster season? Aaron James has ordered lobster two nights in a row and he is loving it!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Down to the beach. In a Bob Marley kind of way.

imgres.jpgEvery day takes me a little further from reality. Thanks, Jamaica!

Breakfast in Jamaica

Fresh juice smoothies made to order. Jamaicans are amazing accommodating people. They are hospitable and love pleasing their guests.

First stop was for rum.

Appleton Estate rum goes down smooth.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Come to Jamaica!

Vacation time is just around the corner. This year, our trip is to Jamaica. I've grown my hair and we're listening to reggae music in anticipation. Stay tuned for updates and escapades.